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What’s Happening

what goes blue
what goes blue

04/27/14 Allis Elementary

We made posters for each bin in the building to that everyone would know what to put in the bins - officially!

cleaning up
cleaning up

04/27/14 Allis Elementary

We picked up trash on the playground to keep it from blowing into the lakes.

Tree Climbing
Tree Climbing

04/24/14 Crestwood Elementary

Mr. House is putting an owl basket in our woods in the hopes that it will attract an owl!

Earth Day Assembly
Earth Day Assembly

04/24/14 Crestwood Elementary

We gathered to sing about taking care of our Earth.

Earth Day’s coming!
Earth Day’s coming!

04/10/14 Lowell Elementary

2nd graders decorate reusable bags for Metcalfe’s in celebration of upcoming Earth Day

Earth Day is coming!
Earth Day is coming!

04/10/14 Lowell Elementary

2nd graders decorate reusable bags for Metcalfe’s in celebration of upcoming Earth Day

Earth Day is coming!
Earth Day is coming!

04/10/14 Lowell Elementary

2nd graders decorate reusable bags for Metcalfe’s in celebration of upcoming Earth Day

Power Patrol February
Power Patrol February

02/25/14 Falk Elementary

Power Patrol February
Power Patrol February

02/25/14 Falk Elementary

Power Patrol School Tour
Power Patrol School Tour

02/25/14 Falk Elementary

Power Patrol on the Tour
